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Catching Blue Jay (Oklahoma Hearts Book 1) Page 5

  Jerking my eyes to the clock on the mantle, I realize how long I’ve been musing. Seeing it’s after six, it’s time to grab my keys and head out to get into my Jeep. His address had made me laugh. He’s only a few miles from where I live, but there’s the evening traffic to contend with. It won’t look good to be late for our first official date. Last night didn’t count.

  With five minutes to spare, I pull up to his house with a sigh of relief. Tugging the visor down, I flip open the mirror to run my fingers through my curly hair. It’s nice to see none of it standing on end. Seeing everything is as good as it’s going to get, I slip out of the Jeep to approach his door. The wavering curtain of the living room window makes me grin. Looks like the man is just as eagerly awaiting my arrival. Will he let me knock or will he meet me at the door? Taking the front steps up to the porch, I knock on the door.

  The lock disengages and I’m not left waiting long before the door swings open to reveal the man who has haunted me for ten years. Drawing a breath into me, my eyes rove down his body from his head to his toes and back up, just taking him in. Damn, he’s gorgeous. Not knowing what we’ll do, he’s dressed in a pair of black pants and a button-up dress shirt that gapes open a bit at the top to allow a hint of his chest to show. Would it be wrong to push him inside and make him mine before the date? Probably so. His bronze neck is begging for me to nibble on it. His twinkling eyes meet my own as he’s caught taking me in just like I’m doing him and his lips curve into a shy smile. “Do you want to come inside a moment?”

  Laughing at myself, I shake my head at him. “That would probably be a bad idea. Once inside, I wouldn’t want to leave, and I have plans for us.”

  Understanding dawns in his eyes before he nods and scrapes his keys off the table beside the door. Locking it behind him, he steps out to join me and then pockets his keys. He looks up at me with a soft smile. “Lead the way, handsome.”

  Fuck, he makes me so hard that my inner groan nearly comes out. Stand down, jackass. Now is not the time. Stepping close to him, I cup a hand around his cheek as I gently brush my lips against his in greeting. “Hi.”

  His cheeks flush pink. “Hi, yourself.”

  With a soft smile, I brush my fingers along his cheek before letting them drop to take hold of his hand. Leading him to the Jeep, I pause at the passenger side to open the door for him. He gives a squeeze of my fingers as he brushes close by me to climb inside.

  He buckles up as I shut the door behind him. There’s apprehension in his eyes as he looks around the vehicle which makes me curious. Moving quickly, it only takes a few seconds to cross around the front of the vehicle to climb in. Looking over at him with concern, his form is tenser than before we got into the Jeep. “Are you okay?”

  A shaky smile comes to his face as he nods. His fingers curl around the handle of the door as the engine turns over. “I was in a bad wreck in a Jeep like this when I was younger. I swore I’d never ride in one again.”

  Turning to him, I blink in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me? We can take your car.”

  He shakes his head at me. “You can’t buy a new car just because I’m scared of it. If this is your preference, I need to learn to like, or at least, not be afraid of it. So, let’s go. I’ll be okay.”

  Leaning across the console, I press my lips softly against his cheek. Moving to his ear, I speak in the softest whisper. “It’s okay, Jay. I’ve got you. You’re safe with me.”

  With another nod, he gives me a sure look. “I know. I trust you.”

  Tilting my head to look over my shoulder, I back out of his driveway. If he’s sure, there’s no sense on harping about it and making him feel worse. It’s time to head downtown. Our destination is still a surprise to him and the excitement of giving him tonight is building within me.

  * * *

  Pulling the Jeep into a parking garage near Devon Tower, I steer it to the top level. Once we’re parked, there’s a look of confusion on his face as he turns toward me. “Why all the way at the top?”

  Now, it’s either spoil one of the surprises or tell him a little white lie. Not wanting to ruin the evening I’ve planned, my smile curves on my face innocently. “There are fewer cars up here.”

  It’s a nice night to be out in the city. The temperature is lower than usual, and there’s a gentle north breeze. We both hop out of the truck and meet around the rear hatch. The tension had left him about halfway downtown and I’d been glad to see it. I hold my hand out for him to take and the warmth of his curling around my fingers gives me a bit of a thrill. A grin lights up my face. “Up for a little walk?”

  “With you? Anytime. Good thing I like surprises.”

  Definitely glad of that. If he had told me he hated surprises, I likely would’ve spilled my secret plans. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. Leading him to the elevator, we take it down to the street level.

  We cross the street from the garage to make for the doors of the towering building. His eyes dart up toward the top of the building as we go through the doors to the elevator. He gapes at me when I hit the button for the upper floors for the restaurant, Shades. “No way... really? I’ve never been to Shades before, but I’ve always wanted to go.”

  My dark curls dance around my eyes as I nod my head. My grin widens as he leans into my side with his head upon my shoulder. I can’t help but to let my cheek rest against his hair as he speaks. “You’re going to spoil me, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t you think you deserve it?”

  “Well, not usually, but I won’t say no if you want to.”

  My laugh echoes off the elevator walls just as it pings for the restaurant floor. The place is gorgeous. There’s floor to ceiling windows giving diners a glorious view of the surrounding city. We stop before the host stand as we check in for the table I’d reserved. “Cameron, party of two for seven-thirty pm.”

  It’s my extreme luck that the restaurant had an open table near a window tonight. Most people want to sit where they have a view. I only hope to romance this man I want so badly to claim as my very own. My plans so far are going off without a hitch. Here’s to hoping my luck continues to hold.

  The sun is already going down, so the sky is a deep blue color. Lights show around the city, and his gasp is audible as he steps up to gaze out of the window next to our table. “God... how beautiful is that!”

  My view is more beautiful since I’m staring at him, but the city looks great too. Smiling at his exuberance, I grasp his chair and pull it out for him. Our eyes meet as he looks over his shoulder at me. “The view is gorgeous.”

  He reaches out to squeeze my arm before he takes the offered seat. He looks back out the window for a moment. “It looks like jewels reflecting off the window like that.”

  He’d always had an artistic soul I’d admired when we were younger. Seems he still has it. His hands rest on the table, so I reach across with one of my own and clasp one of his hands to thread our fingers together. My touch draws his stunning blue eyes back at me. My surprise has put a twinkle in those depths I can’t help but to enjoy. Hopefully, the rest of the evening will go so well.

  His fingers squeeze mine as a sweet smile comes to his face. “Thank you for bringing me here. This place is incredible. Already, this is the best first date ever.”

  Warmth spreads through me at his words, and there’s no doubt a hint of a blush is tinting my cheeks pink based on how hot they feel. “So, it’s a first for both of us. Would you like some wine with dinner?”

  His smile falters before he shakes his head at me. A troubled look enters his eyes and a surge of protectiveness rises within me. “We don’t have to get any if you don’t want to, Jay.”

  He inhales a deep breath as his eyes turn down to the leather placemat in front of us. The inhale turns into a soft sigh before he meets my eyes again. “My dad became an alcoholic after we moved, so I rarely drink.”

  My fingers tighten around his as a frown slips onto my face as I vaguely remember his father. He’d ne
ver been around too much. He’d been a lawyer working his way up in his firm, so he’d work long hours. “I’m sorry to hear that. He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  Lord help that man if I ever see him if he’d hurt a hair on Jayson’s head. Ever. Jayson had been that sweet boy who likely wouldn’t have fought back against his own father. He shakes his head at me but stops. “Well, not physically. It was when it came out that I was gay that... well, let’s just say his words were harsh and leave it at that. Let’s change the subject though. I don’t want him ruining our evening. Any chance of you telling me what we’re doing next?”

  He tries to smile as he pushes thoughts of his past away. I desperately want to know more, but don’t want to spoil the mood. So, I keep my questions inside for a later time. At his question, a husky chuckle slips from me as I shake my head in answer. Lifting his hand to my lips, I softly brush them against his fingers. “Not a chance at all. Just enjoy the ride.”

  Heat enters his eyes at my words and my cock stirs in my pants. He tucks his bottom lip into his mouth and lets his teeth sink into the plump flesh. Fuck, I want to take his mouth with mine and nibble that pair of lips until they are rosy red and swollen.

  Abort, abort! Forcing myself away from those sexy thoughts, my gaze zeroes in on his face. That twinkle re-enters his eyes as if he can read the want on my face. Hell, he probably can as far as I know. Jayson had always seen through my bullshit. Mostly. I never knew if he’d ever had an inkling about my sexuality.

  Chapter 12


  Talk of my father is a surefire way to ruin our lovely evening, and it’s a topic I definitely don’t want to discuss now. One day soon, Aidan will need to be told everything, but that won’t be tonight. Without speaking, I make an internal promise to tell him soon, but for the moment, all those negative thoughts are pushed away.

  Fighting a shiver as he lifts my fingers to his lips, I take in the look in his eyes. Trying to go slow with this man is surely testing my patience. There are years of frustration built up from what we’d never gotten to experience with each other. Only a fool would say they didn’t want it, and I’m no fool. Aidan is utterly gorgeous with his dark, curly hair and devastating brown eyes. The only thought in my mind is how badly I wish the hard lines of his chest hidden beneath his shirt were being licked with my tongue.

  The burgeoning desire that comes to life inside me makes it hard to speak. Thankfully, the server arrives at our table and draws our intense attention away from each other. My dick is a steel rod in my pants and it needs to calm the fuck down. All I want is to enjoy my time with him.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. I’m Louis, your server for the evening. What can I get you to start? A nice merlot?”

  He pauses in his spiel to look at the two of us. For a moment, all I can do is stare at him. We haven’t even looked at the menu since we’ve been so wrapped up in each other.

  “I’ll just have water, please,” Aidan says before looking over at me. Our eyes meet before I nod in agreement. “Make that two waters. We’ll need a few more minutes before we’re ready to order though.”

  The server bows his head with a congenial smile. “As you wish, sir. I will be back momentarily with your waters.”

  As the server walks away, I once again squeeze Aidan’s fingers before slipping mine from his. To get myself under control, I need a moment without his touch. Opening my menu becomes my excuse to gather myself. “So much of this looks good.”

  There’s no way to know if me removing my hand from his disturbed him since I’m not looking at him at the moment. Worrying if I’m pushing things too hard isn’t something my anxiety can handle right now. I peruse the menu until he speaks, making me glance up at his words. “Is everything okay?”

  Already, my insides are quieting, and I smile reassuringly. My heart beat slows in my chest as I nod to him. “Yeah, it’s okay. I think I know what I’m going to have. You?”

  He nods and sets his own menu back down upon the table as we wait for the server to return. “So, what are you doing these days? I spend my day developing software.”

  Ah, neutral get-to-know-you conversation. This is the ticket to getting things under control again. His ability to change the direction of the conversation when he thinks it might be making me uneasy makes me glad. We still read each other like we’ve never been apart. That thought comforts me all on its own. “I’m a digital marketing associate for an advertising agency downtown. My office is actually…”

  My words trail off as I turn to the view outside our window. Searching for the building lit up nearby, I lift my finger to point to it. “I’m in that building there, the Chase building.”

  His dark gaze follows my finger to the building and surprise enters those depths. “You work for Digital Storm Marketing?”

  He isn’t the only one surprised. A gasp escapes me as I gape at him. That’s kind of creepy that I point out a building that’s not marked with the business’s name, but he knows who I work for. He looks back at me when I gasp and raises a brow at me, leaving me to ask what went through my mind. “How’d you know I work there?”

  Understanding enters his eyes as he shakes his head with a soft laugh. Enjoyment floods my insides at the sparkle of amusement in his eyes. “I didn’t. I did, however, create their client software you guys use.”

  The world? Yeah, it’s getting smaller every moment we spend together. A hearty laugh bursts out of me as it hits me that I’d spent the past three years with him literally at my fingertips. “No kidding? You built ClientTree Exchange? That program is amazing. It’s some of the best client management software I’ve ever had my hands on.”

  Laughing, he shakes his head at me. Just as he is about to speak, the server once again steps up to our table. His mouth shuts as the waiter sets down two goblets of water. “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few more minutes?”

  Aidan nods his head for me to go first. With a grateful smile, my gaze turns from Aidan to Louis. “I’ll have the gulf shrimp to start, followed by the crispy chicken roulade. To finish, give me the deconstructed black forest cake.”

  Yeah, I’m hungry and can eat, sue me. Aidan smiles at my order before turning his own gaze to the waiter. “I’ll have the grilled octopus, the pesto carbonara, and the forest cake for dessert, too.”

  Louis nods his head once again with a smile for us. “Very good, sirs.”

  As the server heads to place our order in the kitchen, we face each other again. “So, Aidan, what do you like to do for fun?”

  His face blanches a bit at my question, which has me, oh so, curious as to why. Just as the question is about to leave my lips, he looks down at the table. He seems a little less self-confident than usual. His brow raises slightly as he speaks, “I... umm... I like to write Star Trek fan fiction.”

  There’s no fighting the grin curving my lips at that. He glances up at me, and his entire face turns almost crimson at my grin. Leaning my body toward him as if telling a secret, I say, “You were always the biggest geek. Tell me, what’s your favorite story you’ve written?”

  He shakes his head at me which makes me reach out to take his hand before pleading, “Please?”

  He lets out a sound of exasperation before he raises his dark gaze to mine. “Fine... It was about a scientist from a race that practiced the worship of animals. I wrote it as a comedic piece and everyone seemed to love it.”

  “I hope to read your work someday, if you’ll let me.”

  He leans back in his chair, still holding onto my hand. He ponders a moment before nodding. “I’d be glad to show you. They were originally a way to cope, but I enjoyed writing them so much that I continued.”

  “That makes sense really. You always wrote when we were younger, and English and reading were your favorite classes. I thought Ms. Spiegel would push you into a publishing career.”

  The server arrives with our first course and lays it out before us. With appreciative smiles on both our faces, we dig into the fo
od. While we eat, we reminisce about our childhood together and what we’ve missed while apart as adults. It’s perfect.

  Chapter 13


  We exit the Devon Tower to the street, filled to the brim with delicious food. We’d taken our time to eat and chat, growing closer through our conversation. We may have a history, but who are we now? We’re strangers to each other. There’s an insatiable desire to know more of this sweet man walking by my side. He pauses on the sidewalk to turn those blue eyes up to me. “So, what now, Mr. Surprise?”

  His grin is bold as he steps closer. With an answering grin, my head dips down to softly, but quickly, brush my lips against his. Darkness fell while we ate and it’s time for the next part of our night. With his hand in mine, I lead him back toward the parking garage. “Back to the car. Let’s go.”

  Jayson sputters behind me before following, muttering low under his breath, “The car is kind of a letdown after that dinner.”

  He didn’t mean for me to hear him, but that doesn’t stop my husky laugh at his words. It feels like Christmas morning inside me thinking about the surprise that awaits us when we get back to the Jeep. Sure, he thinks we’re leaving, but not yet. Tugging him into the elevator and up against my side, I push the button for the top floor of the garage. I slide my arm around his waist and he leans into me, letting his head rest upon my shoulder. Leaning over, I drop a kiss on his forehead before the doors slide open. There’s no letting go of him as we walk toward the car. His own arm slides around my back. The man makes me feel whole when he’s close, but I have no clue why. At least, not in this moment I don’t.

  He pauses at the passenger door, but I pull him along with me as I continue walking to the front of my Jeep to lean back against it. Pulling him around to lean his back against my chest, I wrap my arms around his waist. My head rests next to his on his shoulder as I whisper into his ear, “You ready for the next part, gorgeous?”