Catching Blue Jay (Oklahoma Hearts Book 1) Read online

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  Turning my eyes from him to the picture once again, I stare at the old us. God, how I wish I could be that boy again. His reasoning makes sense as warmth fills me as the memories of our past filter through my head. To hold on to that feeling would be the greatest gift. Is it possible to hold tight to it and take it with me? I turn my body to face him completely. “I want that back. I moved here for college because I was hoping we would both be there. When I didn’t find you, I figured you’d moved from the area, so I didn’t know you were still here. Can we try again, Aidan?”

  Perhaps it’s too fast, considering how my fiancé jilted me six months ago. As he stares at me with those dark brown eyes, anxiety builds within me. It’s hard to keep my feet from dancing around in nervousness. Even though only minutes have passed, it seems like it’s been hours before he finally speaks. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”

  My lips crack into a big grin at his words. We’re getting a second chance at our friendship. Do not screw it up this time, genius. “They’re showing the new Avengers movie at the theaters still. Want to go see it?”

  * * *

  After the movie, we walk down the street from the theater laughing and talking about the movie. It’d been such a surprise when he’d said yes. Bumping my shoulder into his, I roll my eyes to disagree with his statement about Iron Man being hot as hell compared to Thor. “No way, man. Thor is way hotter than Iron Man. There’s no contest. He’s a freaking god!”

  A sudden squeal sounds in the air disrupting his response to me. Suddenly, there’s a woman attaching herself to Aidan’s front making me blink at her. Her arms and legs wrap tightly around him. He laughs and his whole face brightens up as he wraps the woman in a tight hug. She looks vaguely familiar, but from where is hard to say. Maybe Aidan isn’t gay… or at least maybe he’s bi? The way this woman attached herself to him, they’ve got to be close. Maybe he has a girlfriend?

  I shift my feet awkwardly beside them as he speaks to her, “Baby girl! I didn’t know you were in town. When’d you get back?”

  Preparing to walk ahead to give the two some privacy, the woman jumps down from him to stand in front of both of us, halting my actions. “Just today, actually. I planned to call you.”

  Her voice trails off as she looks between the two of us. Dark eyes widen as she suddenly looks at Aidan with a face filled with mortification. “Ooooh. Am I interrupting your date? I’m so sorry.”

  Aidan laughs again and reaches out to tuck the woman under his shoulder. Okay, so obviously the woman isn’t his girlfriend, or they have an open relationship? Am I being an assuming asshole? Yes, yes, I am. Confusion runs rampant along with the other ideas in my head. My mind always travels so fast. Thoughts come quickly along with variety of scenarios when I’m faced with something new. Aidan jerks me from my racing thoughts as he speaks my name. “You don’t remember Jayson, Jena?”

  Jena... Jena... Wait, I know that name. This is his kid sister. The thought barely has time to register in my mind when she squeals again. This time, I’m all wrapped up in the woman as she hugs me tight. “Oh, my God! JayJay, is that really you?!”

  The tension that has been building in me relaxes as my arms wrap to hug her back just as tightly. Only Jena had ever called me JayJay. It’d been her special nickname for me since she was old enough to talk. It’s something I hadn’t heard in ten years. I close my eyes to relish the memories before opening them again. I pull back from the hug to look at her. “You’ve grown up since I saw you last, Jena. It’s great to see you.”

  It is great to see her. First, Aidan returning and now seeing Jena? It’s like coming home. Hell, it is coming home. My heart feels at peace for the first time in so many damn years. A decade has been too long.

  Chapter 9


  It’d been great seeing Jena again. We ate supper with her before heading back to my house. Since we both have work in the morning, we’re standing outside by his car door. Just being around him has had me secretly adjusting myself all night. Another vibration from my pocket tells me Clay is still trying to get a hold of me. No doubt he’s gotten worried since his texts have gone unanswered while I’ve been so focused on Jayson. The light being on in the living room tells me he’s still up waiting to pounce on me. Normally, I would’ve invited Jayson to come in, but Clay needs to understand what’s going on first before I bring Jayson into the fold.

  “I had a great time tonight, Aidan. I’m so glad we’re trying to be friends again.”

  Friends. Fuck, that isn’t what I want. It sure as hell isn’t what my body wants. It still remembers the feel of his hard body pressed tight behind me when we danced, and it wants more. I’m not known for pussy footing around when there’s something I want. This time, there’s no friendship to ruin like there was years ago.

  Stepping closer, I lift my hand and use the tips of my fingers to tilt his head upward. Dark blue eyes look up at me curiously. “I don’t want to be just friends, Jay.”

  There isn’t time for him to back away before my head descends to his. My lips find his own for the second time in my life. Electricity sparks at the touch and his lips part on a gasp. Taking advantage of his open mouth, I slip my tongue inside to get a taste of him for the first time. Fuck he tastes so good, I want more. My tongue tangles with his as I try to get more of that luscious taste in my mouth.

  His shock fades as his arms slip up to wrap around my neck. They tighten as he presses his body against mine and returns my kiss. The hard length of his dick is pressing against me and making me rejoice inside. He apparently wants me as badly as I want him. My own dick is hard as steel in my now uncomfortable jeans. Continuing to plunder his soft mouth, I just want to own this man, to make him mine.

  The hand that had been holding his chin drifts down his neck and chest to slip around his back. My other hand joins the first as I grab two handfuls of his round ass and haul him in tighter. Our moans mingle between our twisting tongues as our dicks rub against each other through our pants. His hips rock against me as he whimpers. His fingers tighten in my hair, and fuck if I don’t love the shit out of that.

  Pressing him back against his car, my mouth continues to take over his own until the need to breathe is about to shatter my chest. With a nip to his bottom lip, I slowly draw back from him. Inhaling long, deep breaths, our eyes open to take the other in. His swollen lips are red from our kiss and he’s panting, his chest rising and falling against mine in near perfect harmony. His cheeks flush a rosy pink. He’s never looked more beautiful than he does right now. His fingers play in my hair as he watches me.

  He smiles up at me before he finally responds to my words. “I have to confess, Aiden, I want that, too, but I need to go slow, okay? I don’t want to risk this falling apart because we rushed. I’ve missed you way too much.”

  I nod my head before pressing another soft, but chaste, kiss against his lips. Pulling myself away from him is hard and his fingers slowly disentangle from my hair. Now is not the time to kiss him again or try to drag him into the house. Stepping away is the best option since he wants to go slow. His arms drift down to his sides as I put space between us. Nodding to his car, a smile crosses my lips. “You better go if that’s the case. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  His hand reaches down to adjust himself in his jeans before he straightens and opens the door to get in his car. He pauses before he shuts the door to look up at me. “I’ll be looking forward to it. Good night.”

  He doesn’t give me time to say good night before he shuts his door and starts the engine. He backs out of the driveway leaving me to stand there and watch. Before slipping his car into drive, he touches his fingers to his lips, and then waves them at me before driving off. I adjust my dick with a grin before approaching the house and heading inside.

  Color me surprised, Clay isn’t waiting on me and the light under his door is not shining. He’d either gone to bed early, or he’s out of the house. In case he’s asleep, I quietly slip into my bedroom to get u
ndressed. Slipping between the sheets, the cool cotton rubs against my still hard cock. There’d be no sleeping for a while, so my hand slides down bare chest to my length. It’s so hard and aching that moments would be all that it takes. After a few tugs on my dick, I turn my face into my pillow as Jay’s name comes out on a moan and warmth spills over my hand.

  * * *

  The smell of coffee greets me as I shuffle my way into the kitchen the next morning. Clay stands at the island dicing veggies for his breakfast with his favorite chef’s knife. I pour mocha creamer into my coffee while waiting for him to speak. It doesn’t take a genius to know my best friend has questions. Usually he gets answers when he texts me. He finally sets down the knife as he scrapes the veggies into a bowl and turns his gaze on me. “I want to know why you worried me last night. You didn’t leave a note or anything, and your car was still here. Where the fuck were you, Aidan James Cameron?”

  Crap, he’s using my full name like he’s my mother. My best friend is beyond livid with me. I suppose with my past, it’s understandable that he’d been afraid. I direct my frown down to my coffee along with my gaze as I breathe a soft sigh. Jayson had always rendered me stupid. “I wasn’t thinking. I was with Jayson.”

  There’s a clatter in the sink and it makes me jump, drawing my eyes up to Clay as he throws his favorite knife into the sink. He spins around to glare at me. “You can’t do that to me. We’ve been through too much for you to go radio silent. From now on, just send me a text saying talk later or something. Just let me know you’re fucking alive, dammit!”

  His voice is harsh to my ears and makes me cringe. I was a stupid, selfish ass last night. Rounding the kitchen island, I pull my best friend in for a tight hug. My actions last night had frightened him, and it makes me feel horrible. His imagination has always been vivid. It’s easy to guess what had been going through his mind last night, all while I was kissing Jayson into oblivion. “I promise, Clay. I won’t do that again. I’m sorry.”

  My best friend’s face is still cloudy as he pulls out of the hug to stare me down. His stare always makes me want to squirm like I’m trying to escape something, but I hold my ground waiting. His hand raises to wave his pointer finger at me. “You’re so lucky I didn’t go all mom on your ass last night when I saw you get home. I was seriously that pissed off that I almost came out on the porch to yell at you in my bathrobe.”

  Clay sighs while rolling his shoulders before relaxing and turning to start omelets at the stove. After cracking the eggs into the bowl to mix them, he looks up at me, somewhat calmer. “Now, I expect full details as an apology, so spill.”

  Grabbing my coffee, I sink down onto one barstool to tell him everything, from Jayson showing up at the house to the amazing kiss to finish the night. God, what an amazing night it had been.

  Chapter 10


  A dreamy smile takes residence on my face as I enter my home to fall into bed. Hearing my phone ring, I scramble to grab it. Looking at the screen, the name of the caller makes me groan, but there’s no ignoring his calls. Sliding my finger across the button, I bring the phone up to land on my ear. “Yes, lord and master, I am alive.”

  A deep laugh reverberates in my ear as my best friend chuckles. “Well, that’s good to hear, though that didn’t sound as sarcastic as usual. Add that to you not being at home, yet again, and I have to wonder if you just got home from work.”

  Rolling over onto my stomach, I prop my head on my hand with a soft laugh. “Actually, I’ve been out all night.”

  His curiosity is clear over the line as Luca perks up on the other end. “Oh? Do tell, my friend. Please, please tell me you were out with some super-hot guy and finally got laid.”

  I roll my eyes at my friend’s obsession with sex. Okay, it’s not like I don’t like it. I fucking love it, but I’m not the type to drop into bed with a guy I don’t know too well. It likely wouldn’t have happened when we went out clubbing, either, but I’d been willing to try that night. “Well, I was out with a very hot man who kissed the hell out of me.”

  Luc groans which makes me grin. “Oh, come on, man. Details. Give them to me. Why no sex?”

  “Because, Mr. Nosy, I want to take it slow. I ruined our friendship once, and I don’t want to ruin this. Aidan means too much for that.”

  There’s a pause as the name sinks in to Luc’s brain. “Aidan. The Aidan from when you younger?”

  Luc heavily emphasizes The Aidan. He’d obviously made the connection. “Yes, that’s him. Apparently, this is a small world. Remember Blake’s friend, Clay? Well, he’s apparently Aidan’s roommate. We’ve been so close this entire time and I never knew it.”

  “Perhaps it’s meant to be that way. Maybe he was just meant to come into your life again at the right time. I’m happy for you, man.”

  Rolling over onto my back on the bed, I stare at the popcorn on the ceiling. “Maybe. It’ll probably be rough going for a while, though. I found out tonight how bad I hurt him when we were kids. I have a lot to make up for.”

  “Man, he can’t hold a grudge for something you did as kids. If he’s man enough, he’ll tell you that.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know, but still. Anyways, I better get some sleep. Work comes early in the morning, and before you lecture me, I’ll come home on time. After all, I have a reason to now.”

  As Luc says his goodbye and hangs up the phone, nothing can stop the grin that comes to my face thinking of being with Aidan tomorrow night. Rolling over once more, I reach out my arms to tug a pillow into my chest. Burying my nose into the cushiony fabric, I slip my eyes shut to allow me to sleep with visions of Aidan dancing in my head.

  * * *

  For the first time in months, it isn’t dread on my face as I roll out of bed, but a smile. It isn’t a long day of work to break up the monotony of depressing thoughts driving me today. It’s the hope of seeing that gorgeous man again. I’m halfway through my day when my phone pings on my desk. I stretch my body out from the long hours at my drafting table before moving to get my phone. No doubt the grin that comes to my face is as bright as the sun when I see the text message from Aidan waiting on me.

  Good afternoon, Jay. I hope you’re having a great day. What time do you get home, so I can call?

  The man is too cute for words. Looking over at the clock, my bright smile turns into a scowl. That text message tempts me to leave work early, but I have one project I have to finish before the end of the day. I let my fingers tap quickly across the screen as I text him back.

  I get off at 5 and am usually home by 5:30. You know how traffic can be.

  Heading back to my drafting table with my phone in hand, I settle back into the tall chair. Color me surprised when it’s mere moments when a text comes back from him. We’re both working, but I can’t help grabbing my phone up. Laughter falls from my lips as I read his text.

  Sounds good, gorgeous. Talk to you then.

  The goofy smile is still on my face when Luca pokes his head into my office to look at me. “You ready for… What’s with the smile?”

  “Just Aidan. Is it time for the presentation already?”

  Looking down at my phone in surprise, I note the time. Forgetting about the presentation for the new clients this afternoon is bad. Forgetting important things like that isn’t like me. My handsome friend is too much of a distraction from my work. Oh well. I’ll deal with that later. I slide my arms into my blazer before grabbing my storyboards and heading for the door. Luca shakes his head at me with a laugh. “Man, you’re just hopeless. Let’s go.”

  * * *

  Pulling my car into the driveway, I’m left waiting for the old garage door to slowly lift. In the console, my phone begins to ring. Glancing at the caller ID display on my radio, laughter burst out of me. It’s five-thirty on the dot, and Aidan is right on time. I reach out a finger to tap the button on the touchscreen, answering the phone. “Jayson’s party line. How can I help you?”

  A husky laugh sounds all around
me in the car before Aidan plays along. “Hello. I’m looking for a date for the evening and was wondering if you had any sexy blond men with to die for blue eyes available?”

  Ugh, he is too cute. Too sweet. I want to eat him up. No doubt the grin on my face comes through in my voice. “We might have one, but he’s a handful.”

  “I can handle a handful just right.”

  The double entendre of his words has me shivering as my dick wakes up in my pants. Hell, if those words don’t make me squirm, I laugh. “Oh, I bet you could. What’s the plan?”

  “The plan is a surprise. I need you to text me your address and be ready at six-thirty. Is that enough time for you to get ready?”

  “I don’t need that much time, but six-thirty is perfect.”

  “Great. See you then, Jay.”

  After he hangs up, a groan slips from me as I shift my cock in my pants. How am I going to make a whole night with him if just talking to him has me this hard? With my briefcase in hand, I get out of the car. It’s time to get ready for my hot date. Am I nervous or excited? I don’t know at this point. Maybe it’s both.

  Chapter 11


  Clay’s already left for work, thankfully. It’s his turn to work the night shift at the restaurant, so he isn’t home for me to annoy. Seeing how antsy I am while waiting for Jayson, Clay wouldn’t have been able to resist teasing me. I haven’t been this excited to see someone since I was fifteen, and that was before Jayson moved. Hopefully, this is a sign of good things. Being honest with myself though, I am uncertain about everything. Since he left me the last time, it’s a real fear he’ll do it again. He seems to enjoy running from me. If it happens again, I don’t know what I’ll do or how I’ll handle it. At least this time, I’m not alone. My friends will be there just like they ended up being there then. Hopefully, they’ll keep me off that edge.